Thursday, August 16, 2012

Time Capsule

When I was in 7th grade, I took a Family Consumer Science class where I was made to write the typical "About Me" essay. We were suppose to write about our childhood, if we had any illnesses, funny experiences, and what we liked when we were kids. Just tonight I found it again, and it made me giggle because I was just a kid writing about the childhood that was still happening. It also made me reminisce about "7th Grade Lauren" and how different she is from "11th Grade Lauren".

In those short 4 years, so much has changed. I've made new friends, had new experiences, learned from heart ache, and made mistakes. I've learned when to forgive and forget, and how to move on. 
I'm proud to say that "7th Grade Lauren" would probably look up to "11th Grade Lauren". 

So, below: My essay that I wrote. I laugh about what I would like to do as a future career, and where I would like to go to school. (I don't even play basketball, why would I go to Duke? I mean....I just....okay, whatever)
Enjoy, and laugh it up with me. (also forgive the boring intro about how nothing is wrong with me. I legitimately had no serious illnesses or injuries as a child)
11th grade, 16 year old, Getting there,

All about Me!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                           Lauren Minder
                                                                                                                                             3A   5/27/09

            I have always been the healthy one. I have no asthma, and I have twenty-twenty vision, and I usually never get sick.  I was a very healthy baby. My mom had a natural child birth, and I had no diseases or dysfunctions. Cheyenne was my birthplace and I was born early Saturday morning September 30, 4 days before I was due.  At 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and 21 inches, I was the perfect baby, and my mom and dad were very proud of it.
          At 3 months, I sat rolled over, at 4 I sat up, and by 13 months I was running around the house. (although my mom never really remembers me taking my first steps, because she was also busy with my brother Ethan, and my sister Savannah)  My mom said it was really tiring to have to run after me. The first word that ever came out of my mouth was probably “dada”.
          When I was little, I hated spinach and beets. I loved ham, and sometimes I would take the ham that you would normally put on your sandwiches into a bowl and eat it. Then, I would give the bowl to my cat, Shadow, who would lick the bowl. 
          One of my biggest fears was monsters and ghosts. Sometimes, I was so scared I would just lie awake all night scared. In kindergarten, I had once watched Jurassic Park 3, and I was so scared that night that I would just lay in my bed and cry.  Now a days, whenever I watch that movie, I just laugh at the bad acting, graphics, and story line. I was also afraid of my mom leaving me home alone. This one time when I was about 4 years old, when my mom left me at home because she had to go get my brother and sister from school, and I freaked out. When she came home, I was laying on the couch crying.

          I went to Noah Webster in kindergarten and 1st grade, and then in 2nd grade I went on to Anderson Elementary, and stayed there till 6th grade. My favorite school subject has always been reading, because I love to read. But, when I was in 1st or 2nd grade, I hated to read. Then I learned about the American Girl series and that’s when I started to read a ton. In 5th grade I had Mrs. Lambert, who was my favorite teacher. She was my favorite because she was strict, and on the last day of school, she told us a story of how when she was in high school, she went to a collage advisor. She didn’t know what career she wanted, but she was kind of thinking of teaching. The advisor told her she shouldn’t even considered teaching because he didn’t think she would be good enough. Years later, she proved him wrong by graduating with a teaching degree. She taught me that even if someone doesn’t believe in your dreams, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give up on them. She also taught me that if you really push hard, you can achieve anything.
          On the first day of 7th grade, I was very nervous! But, I made tons of new friends, and the year has gone by so fast. I like that we get to change classes each hour, instead of just sitting all day in one room. The hardest thing about junior high is the early mornings. I’m not really a morning person.
          My future plans are simple, to graduate from East, and then go to Duke university or UW. I’ll probably get a degree in something like teaching, nursing, or acting. From then on, I’ll probably settle down in California or Florida, somewhere really warm. And, if I find someone perfect, I’ll marry and have children.


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