Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wilbert, Betty, and the Blair Witch

This past weekend was the craziest weekend I've had in a while. (Minus the Cheyenne Shoot Out)

On Friday and Saturday morning I worked, worked, worked, hopefully getting some extra hours in to pay for my MacBook Pro. I only have about $400 left till I am able to buy it.

Saturday night came all too fast, and I realized that I was a little unprepared for my film project that I was hoping to shoot. The mic that Mr. Rainey Junior let me borrow was not compatable with my camera, Sara was getting a new roommate, and News Channel 5 decided that they were going to be closed.

As I stood there infront of the dark empty KGWN building, I rammed my forehead into the glass door counting all the things that were currently going wrong with this project. I was up to seven things. Collin and Tyler pulled me away.

We then got back into Tyler's Racecar (er, I mean Volvo) and I sat there in the front seat with disapointment and anger. Tyler tried cheering me up, so he put on some Louis Armstrong and started scat singing along to it. (look up scat singing if you have no idea what I'm talking about.)
As he was "shoo-doo-shoo-bee-ooo-bee-"ing, it reminded me of the 1940s and how timeless that period is.

Collin had the same idea. He said, "This kind of music makes me want to make a 1940s movie."
I agreed. Soon the three of us were making up an eleaborate plan to shoot something in black and white with a microphone. (Something wayyyyy better than Sean's. )

We started rushing around getting everything together, such as a retro clothes, hats, makeup, and suitcases. Tyler then had to leave, so he dropped us off at my house along with all our props. I owe him everything for helping us out a little bit.

Next, Collin and I got into our costumes and put make up on and drove over to Meadowbrooke. We used my dad's office for the two shoots. We also used rolled up coffee filters for cigarettes and pepper and candy dishes for the ash tray. They looked legit if I do say so myself.

For the next two hours until a little bit past midnight, we laughed and filmed Wilbur and Betty. Then we were done. It amazes me how quickly Collin and I can think up an idea and have it finished. Especially 4 hours later.

On Sunday, I got up from my seven hour night of sleep and  went back to church, where I giggled at the ashtray now filled with gummie candy. I did not mention the fact that Collin and I didn't wash out the pepper. Oops.

Then around 1pm Collin picked me up and we drove all the way to Laramie talking about our second project. We talked about really good scenes we should shoot, and how to make it funny.

When we got there, we jumped out of the car and onto the trails leading all over the forest. We shot all over the wooded area, but did not stray away from the real trail. We ate gummy bears and chocolate, and got curious glances from people passing by. (And might I add that two shirtless bikers rode past us, almost hitting my tripod.) 

When we got back onto the trail, we "raced" all the way back to the car away fromt he Blair Witch. After we wrapped up, we bowed to the forest and got the hell out of there. And then we drove back in exhaustive silence.

Let's just say that this weekend turned into a pretty good one, considering all of my ideas were shot down.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about in my post above, consider this a sneek peek into what is going to air next week on the Halloween Thursday show on TBTV. Hope you enjoy.

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