Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Cheyenne Shoot Out 24 hr Film Festival

Going into the 24hr Cheyenne Shoot out, I was a nervous wreck. The six of us, Collin Wedl, Hannah Deleeuw, Tyler Kimsey, Sean Rainey (Junior, not Senior) Hannah Lewis, and I, had an idea, but we had no clue if it would work out.

The basic concept of a 24 hour film festival is that you have to film your entire video in just 24 hours, in sequential order from beginning to end, and include numerous props from a list they give you. 

After school on October 5, Tyler picked me up and took us to Dazbog coffee where we got drinks for our crew. It then took us about ten minutes to find Hannah Lewis's house, but when we did Tyler drove like a maniac to the Plains Hotel, nearly spill the entire contents of the coffee cups onto my lap. I guess when you own a Volvo you feel obligated to drive like a European race car driver.

When we got to the Plains Hotel, we checked in at the registry where they treated us like the dumb teenagers.
"You need to have all of your release forms signed by your parents or guardians and have them ready for tomorrow night."
Hannah: Yup, got them right here.
"Take some extra release and location forms just in case."
Hannah: Yup, got them right here.
She showed them.

After that, we had some time to kill so we quickly ran over to 2 Doors Down, instead of the Hospital, to eat. We chilled out, ate some fries, took some videos, Sean offended me a few times, Hannah played with knives and then yelled into Sean's crotch, and then we ran back to the Plains.

Our briefing was short and told us the basic rules of the festival. Then they threw papers over the balcony to us, which included rules and props, which we grabbed like they were $100 bills, and I began to get even more nervous. 

We drove over to Tyler's house where we brainstormed how we were going to fit props into our film, such as a Wrangler bandanna, a Cheyenne sticker, and a tile floor. 
Once we fit everything we could into the video, we changed into our costumes, and headed over to Body Lines Dance Studio. 

We shot the two opening sequences and they turned out amazing. 

After that, we ran over to spot downtown near a parking garage where we freezed our butts off, and I got to play Mila Kunis from Black Swan. I like, TOTALLY did a good job.

Our next scene was right in front of the Nagel Warren Mansion, and it didn't take that long, although we didn't know where the outlets were and used way too much extension cords. 

From there we drove to Hannah's house, and it got colder and colder. The party scenes we shot in her basement took the longest time. From 11pm till about 1230 am we tried to shoot scenes between our laughing fits and views of Hannah's underwear. But let me tell you, it felt so good, I've never felt this free in my life.  

The next scene was going to be at the Taco Johns Event Center, but Hannah and Collin had to take Hannah Lewis home. So while they took her home, Tyler, Sean, and I sat in the Volvo behind the building. 
We knew that it might take them a while to get there, so we all reclined our seats and shut our eyes.
Suddenly, we heard a blood curdling scream, and we didn't feel like sleeping anymore.  We quickly made a plan to hit an intruder with the mono pod.

Finally they showed up, and all five of us ran into the building. From there we drank cappuccinos and set up the next few shots. Tyler played a wonderful janitor, and I became a makeup artist, leaving my makeup bag in the shot. 

By the time we were ready to shoot our last scene of the night, it was 2 am. 
And then Sean's camera battery died. (You really can't rely on this kid to do anything right.)

After he charged it for ten minutes, we shot the last scene of the night, and got the hell out of there. 
It was 3 am by the time we got back to Tyler's house, and we all crashed. 

I awoke to the wonderful sound of a blaring alarm, found in Tyler's sister's room. I slammed my fist down on the snooze button.
But ten minutes later, there again was that wonderful alarm that woke me from my four hour nap. And then the dogs started whining. Overall, Hotel Kimsey sucks. (Except for the pancakes and coffee, now that was a plus.)

Snow had fallen in the short time we were asleep  and a thin layer of the white fluffy stuff had covered our cars and the streets of downtown.

The next shot we took was the small shot of Hannah receiving a phone call of the horrible news of Collin and I. We shot this in City News and it only took ten minutes. (THEY DIED?)

Afterwards, we ran over to Prairie Rose where we shot a few scenes of Hannah buying our funeral flowers.
Cassie from K2TV interviewed Sean and Hannah, and we decided that we were getting pretty good with talking to the paparazzi. Please note that Collin's chest made an appearance in the news clip as well.

Before I knew it, we were finished with our film. We set all the finishing touches on it at Sean's house and then placed it on the little orange jump drive they gave us, and sent it off with the judges. We celebrated that night with Jimmy John's.

The next day, Sunday, I woke up with huge butterflies in my stomach. By the time it rolled around to 1 pm, and the  awards ceremony, they were 10X bigger. Waiting for the awards ceremony was even rougher, and with every film that was played that wasn't ours, we got even more nervous.

I honestly didn't expect to win 2nd overall. I honestly thought that we weren't gonna make the top ten. But when they announced that we won 2nd, and 1st in 17 and under category, I was shocked.

I also can honestly say that this whole experience has been a bonding experience for the six of us. Each of us contributed to this film in our own special way whether it was mapping out each scene, (Collin), being a drunk ballerina (Hannah), a wonderful janitor (Tyler), key grip (Hannah Lewis) having camera swag (Sean) or playing Mila Kunis (Yours truly).  Before this weekend, we were just fellow classmates, but now we are BFFs.
(also, we have all these inside jokes now, sooooo... sorry, not sorry.)

(and, if anyone would like to challenge us to another 24hr film festival, especially East alumni, we're up to the challenge. Bring it. But leave your Nikon at home. ;) )

(Behind the Scenes, thanks Cassie...............;)

(Our film)

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